August 13, 2014 Minutes

HELD ON AUGUST 13, 2014 AT 5:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Thomas Scanlon, Robert Moynihan, Haskell Kennedy, Philip Mantoni, Patrick Burns, absent, Board Attorney Alfredo ViVenzio, absent, Executive Director, Anne Leduc, James O’Brien, Recording Clerk, Athan Catjakis, representing Rueben Capeles, Attorney Mary J. Kennedy, representing School Department, William Smith, Christos Joandis, Jr., Attorney Katherine Lamondia-Wrinkle, representing William Smith and Christos Joanides, Jr., Henry Thomas, Attorney Thomas Downey representing Henry Thomas.

Agenda Item #1--Minutes
Motion Made by Kennedy and seconded by Mantoni to approve the minutes of the meeting held on, July 9, 2014. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #2-Superannuations
Motion made by Kennedy and seconded by Moynihan to accept the following superannuation applications: Awilda Alvarez, School Department with 21 years and 8 months as of, 7/19/14, Alla Crespo, School Department with 20 years as of, 9/3/14, Angelina Florian, Community Development with 28 years as of, 8/20/14, Maria Graveline, School Department with 13 years and 7 months as of, 9/5/14, Mary Hurley, Former Mayor, with 15 years and 1 month as of, 7/4/14, Cynthia Kidder, School Department with 26 years and 2 months as of, 10/17/14, Mary Kuczarski, School Department with 29 years and 9 months as of, 9/13/14, Karen Levesque, School Department with 26 years and 10 months as of 8/13/14, Maria Ross, School Department with 29 years as of, 8/9/14, Richard Stevens, Fire Department with 34 years and 9 months as of, 8/1/14. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #3-Warrants
Motion made by Kennedy and seconded by Moynihan to approve the payment of the following warrants: #28- Expenses in the amount of $2,541.74, # 29- Refunds in the amount of $163,285.82, # 30- July Retiree Payments in the amount of $5,617,396.26 including a redemption from the PRIT Fund in the amount of $500,000.00 and #31- Expenses in the amount of $64,573.28.
Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #4-Refunds
Motion made by Moynihan and seconded by Mantoni to approve the fourteen (14) requests for refunds. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #5-Makeup of Contributions
Motion made by Moynihan and seconded by Kennedy to allow for the makeup of contributions to Nydia Rodriguez-Allen for 5 months and 8 days with the State Retirement System accepting liability. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #6- Accidental Disability-William Smith, School Department
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Moynihan and seconded by Kennedy to enter into Executive Session and then to return to Open Session. Scanlon, yes, Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Mantoni, yes.

OPEN SESSION: Motion made by Moynihan and seconded by Mantoni to accept the accidental disability application and request that PERAC convene a medical panel. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #7-Accidental Disability-Christos Joanides, Department of Public Works
Motion made by Kennedy and seconded by Moynihan to accept the evidence of the medical panel and application and to grant accidental disability benefits. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #8-Accidental Disability-Henry Thomas, Department of Public Works
Motion made by Mantoni and seconded by Moynihan to accept the evidence of the medical panel and application and to grant accidental disability benefits. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #9-Involuntary Accidental Disability-Juan Ocasio, Police Department
The Board received documentation from the Police Commissioner regarding a permanent disability and requested to process the Involuntary application. The Executive Director stated that Officer Ocasio agreed to move forward with the application. Since the member was not contesting the involuntary, a motion was made by Moynihan and seconded by Kennedy to accept the application and request that P.E.R.A.C. convene a medical panel. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #10-Check Printing and Direct Deposit Printing
The Executive Director asked the Board to consider voting that all Retirees must have direct deposit and that this would begin in January of 2015. Motion was made by Moynihan and seconded by Kennedy to implement direct deposit for all retirees. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #11–91A Non Compliance
The Executive Director stated that there were 5 retirees that have not complied with the 91A regulations. The five retirees were notified by certified mail of their hearing today. A representative for one of the retirees explained his misunderstanding of the documents and asked that the Board grant a 30 day extension. The Executive Director stated that all responded to notice of the hearing today and were already in the process of finalizing the documents to P.E.R.A.C. Motion was made by Moynihan and seconded by Kennedy to grant a thirty day extension to those five retirees who have not complied with 91A regulations. The Executive Director will inform the Board of any outstanding issues at the next regular scheduled meeting on, September 3, 2015. Voted unanimously

Agenda Item #12--Director’s Report
The Executive Director informed the Board that there is one remaining retiree, Stanley Ferris, who has not returned his 2014 Affidavit. That it has been 4 months and that his spouse has been in contact but not the Retiree. The Executive Director asked the Board to follow through with the help of the Police Department. The Chairman said he had contacts in the area and would make inquiries.

Agenda Item #16-Attorney’s Report-none

Agenda Item #17-New Business
Haskell Kennedy submitted a letter from Staff member, Eugene D’Angelo. It was noted that all Board members received a letter. His request is to have his title changed from System Accountant to Financial Analyst and asked the Board to consider giving the Staff a raise because the City employees got a raise. The Executive Director explained the job responsibilities for Eugene’s position and that his current title was appropriate. The Chairman asked the Executive Director to address a cola for the Staff in the 2015 budget and to respond to Mr. D’Angelo with the Board’s decision.

Agenda Item #18-Old Business-none

F. Y. I.
Monthly transfers for July 2014, June trial balance, general ledger, receipts, disbursements and adjusting journals, PRIM Board update for June 2014,Treasurer’s reconciliation for June 2014, P.E.R.A.C. memo #26: Electronic Document submission training, P.E.R.A.C. memo 27: Applicability of IRS PLR Regarding Taxation, P.E.R.A.C. memo 28: COLA for section 7 & 9 dependent allowance, Death Notices.

Motion made by Mantoni, seconded by Kennedy to Adjourn at 6:10 PM